"TEXT 1"="Enable "DOS Prompt Here" command for directories"
"TEXT 2"="Enable "DOS Prompt Here" command for drive root"
"DESCRIPTION 1"="This option lets you add a "DOS Prompt Here" option to the context menus of folders and drive root folders respectively."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="When you click on this option, a Command Prompt (MS-DOS Prompt in Windows 95/98) is opened at this folder, for example, if you clicked on this option in the X:\X-Setup folder, a command window will appear at X:\X-Setup."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"="Item "drive root" added by Pierre Szwarc"
"COMMENT 2"="Thanks to Josef Angstenberger [mailto:josef@jtxa.de] for the drive DOS Prompt idea!"
"COMMENT 3"="Win9x/Me fix and new description implemented by Neil R. Turner [totalxs@hotmail.com]"
"COMMENT 4"="WinXP fix implemented by CptSiskoX"
sName="DOS &Prompt Here"
Sub Plugin_Initialize
s=RegReadValue(sP1_B & "\@")
if Len(s)>0 then
SetUIElement 1,true
end if
s=RegReadValue(sP2_B & "\@")
if Len(s)>0 then
SetUIElement 2,true
end if
End Sub
Sub Plugin_Apply(ElementIndex,ElementSubIndex)
if GetUIElement(1)=true then
Call RegWriteValue(sp1_A & "\@",sName,1)
Call RegWriteValue(sp1_B & "\@",s,1)
else 'Disable it!
if RegPathExists(sP1_B) then Call RegDeletePath(sP1_B)
if RegPathExists(sP1_A) then Call RegDeletePath(sP1_A)
end if
if GetUIElement(2)=true then
Call RegWriteValue(sp2_A & "\@",sName,1)
Call RegWriteValue(sp2_B & "\@",s,1)
else 'Disable it!
if RegPathExists(sP2_B) then Call RegDeletePath(sP2_B)
if RegPathExists(sP2_A) then Call RegDeletePath(sP2_A)
end if
End Sub
Sub Plugin_Terminate
End Sub
Function BuildCommandString
if csVer=1 or csVer=3 or csVer=5 then 'Windows 95/98/ME